✈️ It's a trip...

... and it's time to make our readers wanderlust.

The newsletter that explores the art of storytelling, effective communication strategies, and the everyday impact we can create 🧚‍♀️

👋 Buongiorno, Bonjour, Hola, Hello

As the August morning sun shines down on Mount Vesuvius, I discover that each corner reveals a new facet of Naples’ rich history, from the ornate facades of Baroque churches to the echoes of ancient Roman life in the ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

I cross the streets and listen to the' ‘ciao’s being yelled, the windows being opened, the coffee aroma filling the air.

There are young boys in the piazza, enjoying their last summer days playing calcio. Their words leave me puzzled. Despite my proficiency in Italian, the local dialect reminds me that language isn't just words; it's a living, breathing entity that evolves within the heartbeat of a city.

But, as enchanting as the dolce far niente (the sweetness of doing nothing) is, it’s time to dust off the crumbs of the cornetto from my dress and walk back to my hotel to finish this week’s newsletter I’ve been consistently putting off.

A person susceptible to ‘wanderlust’ is not so much addicted to movement as committed to transformation.

Pico Iyer

In this edition we will be setting the record straight on…

1. How to leave your readers wanderlust

2. Verónica’s news 🗞️

Leave your readers wanderlust ✨

I remember the exact moment I fell in love with reading.

I was giving my mom a headache about having to do my reading homework and I wanted to watch Lizzie McGuire (an American Disney show about a teenager).

“Verónica, reading is just like watching television, just in your mind,” she told me.

And just like that, you could find me 90% of my childhood with a book in hand or in proximity. I loved the concept my mom had given me, of imagining those images in my mind and traveling to far-off places.

Once university rolled around, somehow, I lost that love I had for books.

Having to read continuous essays about the societal structures of Louis XIV’s court, the new war tactics used during World War I & II, and so forth… Reading left me drained. It took me years to want to start reading and writing again for fun.

And I often find that when it comes to content marketing, we forget that it shouldn’t just be putting at the forefront the services, but should take the readers on a journey, connect with them emotionally and making them want more. They should be left impacted by the story and wanting to be a part of it.

When sitting down and trying to map out your next blog post or newsletter, try planning it just like you would a trip.

How to plan the trip

  1. Choose the Destination

    💡 Just like when you select your summer destination because of activities you want to do and the sights you want to see, identify your target audience by what you offer. Understand their preferences, pain points, and desires. Tailor your content journey to speak directly to them.

  2. Buy the Right Ticket

    💡 Investigate your audience’s pain points thoroughly – the more you know, the better you can address them with your content. It's like ensuring you have the right ticket for your journey.

  3. Pack the Bags

    💡 Just as you'd pack essentials for your trip, your content needs key elements. You need a good hook, compelling headlines, visuals, and insightful information that cater to your audience's needs. Each element is like a necessary item in your travel bag.

  4. Go on the Trip

    💡 Now, it's time to take your audience on a journey through your content. Weave a captivating story that engages them from start to finish. Build anticipation, share relatable experiences, and provide solutions to their pain points. Make your content an adventure they're excited to be a part of.

  5. Time to Go Home

    💡 Just as a memorable trip leaves you craving more, your content should end with a compelling call to action (CTA). Invite your audience to take the next step and leave them eager to continue the journey with you.

Last but not least…

I am guilty of overpacking. Both my bags and my ideas for my content.

But by wanting to cover every angle and include every possible detail, our content is weighed down with unnecessary baggage.

So make sure to unpack those 2-3 shirts you haven’t worn since two summer ago, just like you should take out those two sentences that add no value.

Sadly, no spotlight this week 😥

I am in the midst of traveling and will be back on a normal schedule mid-next week.

I haven’t had time to study a specific subject or highlight someone this week for this section, but stay tuned! I have some exciting things I’m mapping out for the following weeks 🗺️

Verónica’s news 🗞️

It has been a busy week (travel-wise that is!).

Tuesday was a holiday in Italy, and where else would I be but hanging out on a boat exploring the Amalfi Coast?

My cousin and I were able to discover Amalfi and Positano, swim in the sea, get stung by a jellyfish, and finish off the evening by watching the sunset from our balcony.

We also were able to visit Pompeii. It has been on my bucket list since I was in school. As a historian, to see history preserved and be able to walk down those cobbled-streets as I imagined life more than 20 centuries ago made me feel like I was walking within the books I studied in college. This was a place that my cousin and I talked about visiting for the past decade. We finally did!

And now I’m in Naples, sitting in my hotel room writing this newsletter and finishing off a few things for clients.

Did I have pizza for lunch last night and gelato for dinner?

Maybe, probably, most definitely… yes, yes I did.

The view from our balcony

If you are ever looking for a place to stay on the Amalfi Coast, please consider Giovanna’s beautiful Palombara Villa. She was an amazing hostess, telling many stories, taking care of us and making breakfast in the morning to ensure we were well fed before our adventures.

The impact of words extend far beyond the page.

Have a good weekend!
