☀️ Summer is looking fun

How will you be traveling?

The newsletter that explores the art of storytelling, effective communication strategies, and the everyday impact we can create 🧚‍♀️

👋 Buongiorno, Bonjour, Hola, Hello

It’s smelling a lot like summer.

The kids are finally out of school here in Italy and everyone is talking about their summer vacations.

But do we truly travel ethically?

Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.

- Maya Angelou

In this edition we will be setting the record straight on…
1. 🧳 What we owe our audience
2. 📃 The role of businesses
2. 🗞️ News

🧳 What we owe our audience

I’ve been thinking a lot about the responsibility that we owe our audiences.

As I was scrolling Instagram the other day, a famous influencer I’ve had to unfollow popped up in my “for you” page. A travel influencer that shares their experiences about living abroad.

The reason I unfollowed them?

I believe with content comes a lot of responsibility

A responsibility that I believe travel influencers often overlook, leading to harm the very communities and locations that they showcase.

When travel influencers share only the highlights of their destinations, they often perpetuate stereotypes and misunderstandings.

For example: promoting a location because it’s ✨ affordable ✨

Misinformation and misrepresentation have real consequences for the cultures being showcased.

An influx of travelers in “cheap” places strain local resources, contribute to over-tourism, and disrupt the daily lives of residents.

How can we still showcase our travels online?

The tips

💡 Refrain from promoting destination solely for their affordability.

💡 Share the history, culture, and challenges of the destinations.

💡 Balance idyllic images with discussions on local issues.

💡 Advocate for responsible tourism practices.

💡 Feature authentic voices and stories.

Last but not least…

As the summer months start and you find yourself on holiday in countries like Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, etc… please keep in mind how mass travel is affecting the local population.

I speak about European destinations because this is what I have experienced by living in France, Italy, and Spain.

The reality of living here is completely different than when you are visiting.

📃 The Role of Businesses in Responsible Tourism

Businesses also have a responsibility in promoting ethical traveling.

Businesses that market travel destinations or use certain destinations for their marketing campaigns should think about the impact that they can have on the community.

A lot of businesses like to use destinations to add to their storytelling (I’m thinking of those perfume ads). They paint a picture-perfect scene that often overlooks the reality of those beautiful destinations.

How can businesses be a bit more conscience when using locations?

Key Takeaway

🧠 Collaborate with local businesses in their marketing materials so that it can benefit the local economy.

🧠 Hire local talent (photographers, videographers, and writers) to create a true vision that reflects the essence of the place.

🧠 Promote the culture and educate the audience around it for respectful interactions when it comes to traditions and customs.

By having a bit of these practices in place, businesses can use their marketing efforts to contribute in building a positive and sustainable future around travel.

🗞️ Verónica’s news

🇲🇽 Mexico has just voted for their first female president… But what does she offer on women’s rights?

🤖 Deepfakes are becoming more and more common and it can happen to everyone. Are you preparing your communication strategy?

🏳️‍🌈 Brands seem to be quieter this year around Pride Month — what’s the reason?

The impact of words extend far beyond the page.

Did you get forwarded this newsletter? Join the community to get tips on storytelling and how our content can be used for good every Friday here.

Have a good weekend!