How Storytelling Can be Used for Good in Marketing

The newsletter that explores the art of storytelling, effective communication strategies, and the everyday impact we can create 🧚‍♀️

👋 Buongiorno, Bonjour, Hola, Hello

We’re going to get into it today.

“Your voice matters. Speak your truth and let it be heard, for it holds the power to inspire and empower others.”


In this edition we will be setting the record straight on…
1. Storytelling in conscious marketing
2. Event with Claudia Guerreiro
3. Verónica’s news

Using your story for good in marketing

Storytelling is a powerful tool that often gets overlooked.

It allows people to connect, engage, and inspire.

In conscious and impact marketing, storytelling and advocacy take on a such a whole new level of significance.

It’s not just about selling a product or service; it’s about sharing your brand’s purpose, values, and vision… and makes readers feel like they are a part of something.

I often stick to the idea of:

“Let’s stop promoting. Let’s connect and make a positive impact.”

But why is storytelling so important when it comes to conscious marketing?

  1. Creates emotional connections

    💡 When your audience feels a connection to your brand story, they are more likely to become loyal customers and advocates.

  2. Highlights your values

    💡 It’s a powerful tool to demonstrate authenticity and transparency. It shows your commitment to do good with your business.

  3. Differentiates you

    💡 It sets you apart and helps you stand out to be more memorable.

“But Verónica, how should I start crafting my brand narrative and make more of an impact?” you ask?

It’s important to craft a compelling brand narrative.

Here are 4 ways you can do so:

  • Tell your brand’s origin and mission.

  • How you overcame certain challenges.

  • The impact that your product is making.

  • How your customers have played a role in your story.

Marketing With Purpose with Claudia Guerreiro

Ever wondered what Conscious Marketing is all about?

Well, you’re in for a treat!

Join Claudia Guerreiro and I in our LinkedIn Audio chat, where we’ll talk about purpose-driven marketing.

Here’s the plan

  1. Busting Myths: We’ll clear up marketing misconceptions.

  2. Perfect Fit: Discover if this approach suits your brand.

  3. Embrace Diversity: Learn to make your marketing inclusive and impactful.

And we’ll go over so much more…

Make sure to bring your questions! We will be answering them during the last 15-20 minutes of the event.

🗞️ Verónica’s news

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. 💜 

1 in 3 women worldwide have been subjected to physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner violence in their lifetime.

It’s often underreported due to stigma, fear, and lack of awareness or support.

I’m a survivor.

And I speak up because we feel so much shame, alone, and confused.

I didn’t know how to speak about it and ask for help.

Here’s my recent post about what is DV and signs to look out for if you believe a loved one is going through this.

A photo taken in January 2023 celebrating 3 years of freedom.

Under this smile, there’s still a lot of healing left. DV and SA affect every socio-economic class, race, and gender. There is no one face to survivors.

To whoever needs to hear it: healing isn’t linear so heal as messily as you need to. No one can judge you on how you decide to do so.

P.S. I heard this quote from another survivor once that really helped me move forward in telling my story:

“Abusers lose the right to privacy, it’s my story now.”

The impact of words extend far beyond the page.

Have a good weekend!
