The missing link đź”—

Stop with the "us, us, us" marketing

The newsletter that explores the art of storytelling, effective communication strategies, and the everyday impact we can create 🧚‍♀️

đź‘‹ Buongiorno, Bonjour, Hola, Hello

Today, we’re getting a a bit techy on The Word on Record. 🤓

In a world run by rapid technological advancements and innovation, it’s no surprise that companies often find themselves captivated by their own products.

Yet, amidst the new features and launches that they often find themselves communicating on, there’s a crucial component that seems to be frequently overlooked: the impact a product or service can have on the lives of its customers and users.


There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them.

Set Godin

In this edition we will be setting the record straight on…

1. The missing link when it comes to business communication strategies đź”—

2. Gender based marketing in fĂştbol âš˝

3. Verónica’s news 🗞️

The missing link đź”—

Innovation is the heartbeat that keeps companies alive.

Introducing groundbreaking features and cutting-edge technology can undoubtedly set a product apart from the competition.

And companies that are truly working on their product to make it easier to use and stand out deserve an applause for their dedication to progress.

However, there tends to be a missing link.

Imagine you're marketing a groundbreaking software to a niche audience – let's say, medical professionals. It's tempting to focus solely on how your software streamlines administrative tasks, enhances efficiency, and ultimately saves costs for their practice. But what about the doctors, nurses, and support staff who will be using this software day in and day out?

Just like any other consumer, these professionals are people with aspirations, challenges, and emotions. By weaving their stories into your marketing narrative, you can create a powerful emotional connection.

Did you consider how this software could free up precious time for doctors to spend with patients, enabling them to provide more personalized care? Have you thought about how nurses might feel more supported and empowered, leading to increased job satisfaction and higher quality patient care?

These stories go beyond mere features and touch on the human impact that your product can have.

And though the marketing should be focalized on the decision makers who will be buying it, there should be a thought behind the thousands that will then be using it. And decision makers are humans, who are impacted by stories and advice.

It’s just like that famous saying says… people buy from people.

How can companies strike a harmonious balance between showcasing their product's capabilities and highlighting its real-world advantages for customers?

The answer lies in adopting a customer-centric marketing approach.

Start doing these 3 things

  1. Craft compelling stories

    đź’ˇ Build stories around how your product or service can solve specific challenges and enhance the lives of your customers and those using your product. This showcases that you actually care not just about having the best product on the market, but spotlights that you also want to make sure the experience is good.

  2. Use vocabulary that is easy to read

    💡 I have worked in niche-related fields that use BIG words. “Well, it’s how the niche speaks”. Ok, that’s great… but if that is how the niche speaks, can you imagine how much content in that BIG WORD VOCABULARY they have read? I often find that tone of voice impersonable. Make yourself standout and be personable.

  3. Focus on value

    đź’ˇ Stop using a laundry list of features. Sure, communicate about them but start showing the value that these features can bring to the customer. Show the tangible and intangible benefits they can reap.

Why this strategy is NOT just for B2C

In the B2B landscape, it's essential to remember that your customers are not faceless entities solely concerned with bottom-line results. People are the ones making the decision whether to buy your product or not.

They're individuals seeking solutions that improve their professional lives, fulfill their ambitions, and make their daily tasks easier.

By embracing customer-centric storytelling, you can elevate your B2B marketing from a transactional exchange to a transformative partnership.

Gender based marketing in fĂştbol âš˝

What is the MAIN difference between these two photos?

It’s the Women’s World Cup this year, and if you are not an avid fútbol fan (did not want to get in a soccer/football debate so went with the Spanish word for the sport), you may not have known this. The Women’s World Cup has never been as heavily marketed as the men’s.

Not to mention, women on average are making 25 cents to every dollar the men’s teams make. This is more than 8 cents they were making back in 2019, according to data provided by FIFA and the global players’ union FIFPRO.

By taking a look at these two photos, there is a big subliminal message that is being sent.

In the first photo, we have a poster for the 2022 semi-final between France and Morocco.

In the second photo, we have a poster for the match between the women’s teams of Morocco and France.

The striking contrast? The first photo features all the players in their best match poses, with the team leaders used twice. It showcases the team’s most prominent athletes.

The second photo? Men are at the front while two women players are positioned behind them. They aren’t even playing or have a ball in their hand.

Why, in the context of the Women’s World Cup, are female players seemingly relegated to standing BEHIND their male coaches?

No matter what women are capable of doing, men are still put at the forefront of their success.

Key Takeaway

🧠 This discrepancy serves as a reminder that despite the achievements of women in sports (or any other field for that matter), the narrative of success is often skewed in the favor of men.

It underscores the need for a shift in perception and concerted effort to dismantle these deeply ingrained stereotypes.

Our communication, whether it be through words, photos or art, has such an immense power on society.

Verónica’s news 🗞️

Hanging out in Lake Como this week with my American cousin.

This place is so special to me. I came to the region on a university trip with 60+ French students back in 2016, and it was my first time visiting Italy.

Though I always say it was my first trip to Rome that truly sparked my serious intention to move to this beautiful country, I can’t deny that the Como trip during my first year at uni probably initiated that spark while in Rome.

At the time, I only knew how to say ciao, buongiorno, mi chiamo Verónica… so it is also fun to see how far I have come with my Italian skills!

Woke up at 5:45 a.m. the first morning for this breathtaking view.

I’m on the lookout for Amal and George Clooney. I’ll let you know if I end up having a coffee chat with Amal where we talk about human rights and her inspiring work. đź‘€ 

She had me wanting to go back to uni for a while to get a degree in law.

Anyways, next week’s newsletter will be coming from Naples (with a stop beforehand in Amalfi). 💙

The impact of words extend far beyond the page.

Have a good weekend!
