Marketing can do what?!

The newsletter that explores the art of storytelling, effective communication strategies, and the everyday impact we can create 🧚‍♀️

👋 Buongiorno, Bonjour, Hola, Hello

Isn’t it funny how January felt like 6 months and February felt like two weeks?

I feel like there has been SO MUCH going on this month, and March has lots of things to be announced too! 👀

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new

- Socrates

In this edition we will be setting the record straight on…
1. 🌱 Marketing for change
2. 🎙️ LinkedIn Event Personal Brand
3. 🗞️ News

How marketing can spark positive change

Have you ever been moved by a commercial? Has a story instigated you to want to take action? That’s the power of marketing for good — storytelling that not only entertains and sells but inspires positive change.

We’re living in a time of information overload. Standing out goes beyond fancy slogans and colorful banners.

Consumers are increasingly drawn to brands that use their platforms to address social issues. But they need to be authentic. With International Women’s Day coming up, it’s a prime example of how brands will slap on feminist quotes to products and celebrate women… but not talk about the issues that women continuously face in their day to day lives.

But this isn’t just about performative activism. Throwing around buzzwords for a week won’t resonate with people.

Consumers want genuine action and commitment.

How can you craft content that resonates?

  1. Choose the right cause

    💡 Make sure to get behind causes that connect with your brand and will resonate.

  2. Offer solutions, not just awareness

    💡 It’s important not to just highlight the problem, but also offer steps individuals and your business can take to make a difference. Provide clear calls to action.

  3. Amplify diverse voices
    💡 Instead of token representation, strive for showcasing voices with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.

  4. Be transparent

    💡 Consumers can feel fakeness from a mile away. Be honest about your journey, efforts, and acknowledge trial and errors.

  5. Long-term commitment
    💡 Integrate your social efforts into brand core values and demonstrate how your brand is continuously committed to progress.

Brand spotlight

Monzo is a UK digital bank that has partnered with Surviving Economic Abuse to share tips on how to spot the warning signs of economic abuse, and encourages donations to the charity via its app. They did this after uncovering an eightfold increase in disclosures of abuse through their “Share with us” chat tool.

It’s an interesting way to actively educate on what abuse can look like.

They also allow for survivors to contact the bank via the app if they are facing domestic or financial abuse.

Monzo then uses the information to adapt their support, whether altering communication methods, establishing a codeword for reporting issues, and offering support through charities or organizations.

🎙️ LinkedIn Event with Michael Glassock

Michael Glassock and I sat down for a LinkedIn audio event where we talked all about personal brand and how to network, especially if you’re feeling a bit stuck in your career.

We also talked about the advantage to your career of starting your own personal brand through content and the opportunities that can arise from it.

We talked about

🧠 How you can craft a compelling personal brand
🧠 How to overcome spotlight and imposter syndrome
🧠 How to find your purpose and start making that change

🗞️ News

🧳 These 3 companies are making travel more accessible.

🇬🇧 In a rare statement and a break from royal protocal, Prince William called for an end to fighting in Gaza.

✊ The state of Alabama ruled that embryos are people. This has raised questions for IVF patients and is another major move to upend women’s reproductive health in the U.S. after Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022.

The impact of words extend far beyond the page.

Did you get forwarded this newsletter? Join the community here to get tips on storytelling and how our content can be used every Friday.

Have a good weekend!
