Is it Really About the Followers?

The newsletter that explores the art of storytelling, effective communication strategies, and the everyday impact we can create 🧚‍♀️

👋 Buongiorno, Bonjour, Hola, Hello

This newsletter has an announcement I have been pondering for a while… don’t hesitate to let me know your thoughts, as I appreciate this community and you all have helped me so much in starting my business. 💚

Mental health… is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going.

Noam Shpancer, PhD

In this edition we will be setting the record straight on…
1. 👀 Is it about the followers?
2. 🗞 Verónica’s news

I don’t believe in the number of followers… but about how you nurture them

Have you ever been judged by the number of followers you have?

“Well, what’s the proof? You only have x followers.”

Have you ever heard this? How have you ever replied to it?

Throughout my career, I have been frustrated with the common misconception that because something goes viral or that a company gets covered in a major news outlet, they are automatically going to get leads. I am NOT sales. I am a communications and content specialist. I am about helping YOU become the thought leader your industry needs, and all about using that content to raise awareness.

When I first got tossed this question as a new content creator, I got shy and thought to myself, “well… of course. How can they believe me if I have little followers?” But then I asked myself why I had always been so frustrated by these comments.

Because I’m not in this to be famous and have 100k followers. I’m here to try to make a positive ripple effect in my industry. I truly believe in the power of social media and how it can affect people. There’s thousands of studies that cover this. And I believe that content can be used for good.

This week, I had a content creator with 25k followers tell me exactly what they loved about my content.

“I’m shocked with how much engagement you’re getting with the number of followers you have.”

And it’s all because I have built a beautiful community.

The landscape of social media is unpredictable. Algorithms are constantly changing, user behaviors change continuously and external factors often can come into play.

Overpromising by promising you more followers and going viral is not a part of my brand culture. Because attention is a precious commodity, and transitioning from scrolling to engagement demands a moment of consideration.

So what can I promise you instead?

I can help you become a thought leader.

I assure that your audience feels nurtured.


  1. A community

    💡 By cultivating one that believes in your brand becomes an advocate and cheerleader for what you do.

  2. Build trust

    💡 By doing so through your content, you become a thought-leader in your industry. And people love those.

  3. Connections

    💡 Meaningful conversations that turn into those leads that you’re looking for because you connected is better than leads that have no idea what you do and don’t align with your values.

  4. An investment that works

    💡 Better to invest in the long-term and leave an impact on their minds than short-term promises.

Last but not least…

Just shift the strategy.

It’s a commitment to build a community, but it will be priceless building something that resonates with your purpose.

🗞️ Verónica’s news

I’ve been reeling over this for a while now.

I want to make sure that this newsletter is adding value to you, and that it’s not quantity but quality. And I can talk all about that through my newsletter, but I also need to be delivering it.

Right now, I don’t feel like I am doing that.

I recently missed a Friday newsletter. The following newsletter had so much value to it. I didn’t have to think twice or doubt what I wanted to say and the writing of the newsletter came so natural to me. I felt like I was sending you, the reader, so much value in that edition.

So… I’ve decided that this newsletter will become bi-weekly.

I want to add more value to it, such as case studies, reviews, interviews with people doing some amazing work. I want to share positive news stories and content that I believe is truly making a change. Because, that’s what we are here to do.

I hope you appreciate this decision. 💚

The impact of words extend far beyond the page.

Did you get forwarded this newsletter? Join the community here to get tips on storytelling and how our content can be used every Friday here.

Have a good weekend!