Instinct and Business

How writing has become echoey

The newsletter that explores the art of storytelling, effective communication strategies, and the everyday impact we can create 🧚‍♀️

👋 Buongiorno, Bonjour, Hola, Hello

My dream growing up was to tell stories, be a writer and not copy templates to sound like everyone else.

Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.

Marilyn Monroe

In this edition we will be setting the record straight on…
1. How I listened to my instinct
2. Recap LinkedIn Audio Event with Tatiana
3. Verónica’s news

I started listening to my instinct and my business started seeing results

Listen, my intro may have sounded a bit too harsh.

I hope it wasn’t taken personally.

I’m just exhausted of seeing the same hook, the same template, and the same kind of writing everywhere.

I was speaking to a fellow writer and we both came to the same conclusion: it feels like we are all sounding like robots on the internet.

And it’s true, we have to pay attention to what works on a platform and what doesn’t. Things work and don’t work for a reason, but when I was younger and dreamed about being a writer, my intention wasn’t to sound like everyone else.

I dreamed of coming up with original ideas.

I feel like I was more original when I was younger and had no access to the internet.

So, it was when I threw out the many templates I was following and started talking about subjects that

  1. Meant something to me

  2. Experimented with my voice

  3. Showcased my client’s pain points through my storytelling

that I connected with my audience and things started working out for me.

As this is the last newsletter of September, here are a few accomplishments for the month I wanted to share with you all:

  • I have onboarded 2 clients;

  • Written a blog post that I am proud of;

  • Connected with some amazing people;

  • Held 2 LinkedIn audio events with women who inspire me about subjects that are important;

  • Am continuously learning and evolving where I want my business to go.

Last but not least…

I’m so excited to see what the future holds, and how The Word on Record will evolve.

Thank you for being a part of this adventure with me!

Intercultural Communication with Tatiana Reuil

Did you miss the LinkedIn live I held yesterday with Tatiana Reuil?

No worries, the link is down below 😉

Key Takeaway

🧠 It’s important to observe how people from different cultures interact and then follow suite. Listen to how they speak, the hierarchy within the company culture, watch their body language… and if you still don’t understand, don’t hesitate to ask questions.

A lot of misunderstandings come from not understanding!

🗞️ Verónica’s news

Last weekend I went on a hike in a region of Tuscany called Le Balze del Valdarno.

I thought I had magically flown to Australia in a 45 minute car ride.

These characteristic geotopes are the result of erosion of the Upper Valdarno lacustrine Pliocene sediments caused by weathering and watercourses.

Pretty cool, right?

The impact of words extend far beyond the page.

Have a good weekend!
