The Cost of Going Viral

The newsletter that explores the art of storytelling, effective communication strategies, and the everyday impact we can create 🧚‍♀️

👋 Buongiorno, Bonjour, Hola, Hello

The end of the year is nearing. How are you feeling about the festivities?

In all honesty, I’ve been taking things slow and been concentrated on clients and preparing for my trip to the United States to spend Christmas with my family. I hope you are all enjoying the merited time off and have festivities and time with loved ones to look forward to 💚

If plan A didn’t work, the alphabet has 25 more letters


In this edition we will be setting the record straight on…
1. What’s the cost of going viral ⭐️
2. I need your help 🙋🏻‍♀️
3. Verónica’s news 🗞

Let’s talk about the cost of going viral…

I know, I know… you’re not the only one who gets excited when numbers rise after posting something we didn’t expect to go viral.

In the last newsletter, I shared my thoughts on Oatly’s Paris campaign. On LinkedIn, it became my most popular post ever and I continue getting comments on it. Whew, this girl is tired to responding to comments that say, “Well, you’re talking about them. That’s what they wanted.”

Confused Always Sunny GIF by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Gif by sunnyfxx on Giphy

Here’s the thing — going viral isn’t always the golden ticket to Wonka that we think it is. I feel like there is this common misconception that if your content goes viral, your business is set for life. Here’s the thing…

It’s more complicated than that.

Getting tons of likes and shares can make a brand look good online… Yet, does all that online attention translate to real success for businesses?

I feel like many people starting out in content go looking for that virality, and forget about the most important part:

Building real, lasting connections with our audience.

Questions to ponder 💡

  1. Should we be more focused on short-term popularity than on creating relationships with consumers?

  2. Are we prioritizing the creation of content for the sake of going viral, or are we cultivating meaningful connections with our audience?

  3. By going viral, are we compromising our brand’s values, or is there a way to ensure that our online success aligns with our principles?

Last but not least…

As creatives, we have to think about the impact that our content is going to have on others, whether it be online or through real world ads.

The challenge for brands now lies in striking a delicate balance, where the pursuit of virality doesn’t compromise the brand’s values or dilute the real-world impact it seeks to make.

Feel free to respond to this email if you have a few thoughts on the questions above 🤗

Want to help The Word on Record out?

In 2023, we have seen multiple controversies with brands’ marketing campaigns. From Oatly to Zara, it’s viable for brands to adjust their marketing strategies to avoid potential pitfalls…

But how can they do so?

I’d love to get your intake. I’m writing a think piece article on the subject and would love YOUR insights on this topic.

Think you can help out?

You can stay anonymous or not… but the more responses I get, the more I can truly have an in-depth article on the subject.

Fill out the form in the link below ⤵

🗓 Deadline: December 22nd, 2023

(P.S. Please note that you do have the choice to stay anonymous or not!)

🗞️ Verónica’s news

By the time you get this email, I’ll be on my first flight (of 3 😢) headed home to Oregon!

I’ve decided to go on a content break while I’m in the states. Is it a set back? Maybe. But time with family is limited, especially when you live abroad. I’ll be back in touch in the New Year! The 12th of January to be exact.

So, I wish you all a very festive season… and make sure to take time off and celebrate with friends and family. 💚

The impact of words extend far beyond the page.

Did you get forwarded this newsletter? Join the community here to get tips on storytelling and how our content can be used every Friday here.

Have a good weekend!

