How to craft your content for good

The newsletter that explores the art of storytelling, effective communication strategies, and the everyday impact we can create 🧚‍♀️

👋 Buongiorno, Bonjour, Hola, Hello

Apparently even the greatest artists of all time have said common phrases like the one below.

I am still learning.


In this edition we will be setting the record straight on…
1. ☀️ Content can be used for change
2. 🧡 If you missed it…
3. 🗞 Verónica’s news

☀️ Things to think about when creating content dedicated to making a change

I truly believe that content can be used for good and championed for change.

We live in an age where we scroll hours online watching cat videos to Taylor Swift’s song August, cute baby videos, and gossip surrounding celebrities.

But what if we used that time to spread some message for change?

Whether it be positive news from any community to raising awareness about certain issues, I highly believe that content can be used for good.

BUT we should always be careful about the way we craft this content. Especially when we are talking about sensitive subjects.

Above all, authenticity is important

Many brands have learned that using trendy hashtags or waving flags doesn’t equate to genuine support for a cause. As an example, during Pride Month, we often see countless brands proudly displaying LGBTQ+ Pride flag in their marketing materials.

However, what’s going on behind the scenes?

Some of these very brands may be financially supporting politicians who advocate against the LGBTQ+ community.

This dissonance between public posturing and private actions is not only misleading, but very harmful.

Three tips for crafting content for good

  1. Choose your causes and subjects wisely

    💡 It’s impossible to be everywhere and have an opinion on everything. Focus in causes that genuinely align with your values and business. When you choose them wisely, your commitment to the subjects will shine through authentically. So will your passion.

  2. Educate and advocate

    💡 Before creating content, invest time in understanding the cause you’re supporting. Educate yourself about the issues and engage with the community. Authenticity stems from genuine knowledge and involvement.

  3. Measure and communicate impact

    💡 Your content should result in real, measurable impact. Share the results of your efforts… this builds trust with your audience that you actually mean what you preach.

What statistics are important to me?

It’s a question I have gotten over and over again.

I base my approach on the common metrics used in marketing.

But I add a few:

  • What conversation has it started in my comments and my DM’s?

  • What have I learned through my audience about this subject?

  • How am I feeling?

The beauty of content for good lies in its potential to rise above the noise of social media. You can shine light on issues that matter, forge new connections and work on inspiring projects, bringing some kind of change to the world no matter how big or small.

P.S. Be open to learning.

🧡 Did you miss it last week?

My recording of the LinkedIn audio event with Claudia Guerreiro is live on the website. If you missed it, don’t forget to check it out!

🗞️ Verónica’s news

By the time this newsletter goes out, I’ll be on a train headed to Verona!

Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any tips and must sees.

I’m most excited for Juliet’s balcony (cliché, I know! 🙈).

The impact of words extend far beyond the page.

Have a good weekend!